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Recovery mode
I cannot find the recovery button , where is suppoused to be located ? Thanks a lot 2:35 am, March 2, 2025
There is always the rumble points in the battle.
I have finished a rumble, but there is still rumble points in every battle begin. It is quite confused. 2:36 am, March 2, 2025
how long for the game to renew the Add reward?
I want to know after login how many add rewards will pop up and after this how long will the new adds pop up. 2:36 am, March 2, 2025
There is always the rumble points in the battle.
I have finished a rumble, but there is still rumble points in every battle begin. It is quite confused. 2:36 am, March 2, 2025
how long for the game to renew the Add reward?
I want to know after login how many add rewards will pop up and after this how long will the new adds pop up. 2:36 am, March 2, 2025
Recovery mode
I cannot find the recovery button , where is suppoused to be located ? Thanks a lot 2:35 am, March 2, 2025
Came centre problem
I have created a new game center ID so I can play Plunder Pirates on a different account. The problem is the old account keeps showing up. I have deleted the app, signed out of game center, reinstall.. 11:31 am, July 7, 2016
I have a 7 day shield if I battle will i loose it for good or just while I'm in battle??? 2:47 am, May 28, 2016
Funding pirate catcher
My family has a guild (4 of us) and my youngest stopped playing. The 3 of us have a pirate catcher and it isn't letting us contribute more than 25% each, making it impossible to fund unless we add som.. 1:04 am, January 3, 2016
How do you submit a formal complaint against a player suspected of cheating/hacking during rumbles?
Me and some of my guild mates noticed some unusual activity by a rival player during a rumble, that very well could be attributed to them hacking the system. I began watching his numbers very closely... 7:58 am, August 12, 2015
I have been attacked, and I successfully defended but I lost??!!
So today I was attacked as usual. The attacker was mschu1. My pirate id is Golden Bosom. It stated there in my menu that I lost. Somehow, when I replay the attack, I actually managed to defend my city.. 5:14 am, December 28, 2014
Answer By: Anon
8:03 pm, August 22, 2015
That happens a lot to most games like clash of clans. You have to factory reset your phone I can't explain it further just look it up on YouTube
Answer By: Anon
7:55 am, August 12, 2015
I regularly purposely lose against the map ports to keep level down w/o altering my score in the rumble.
Answer By: Anon
4:41 pm, December 6, 2014
I emailed them about this, been a problem for a while now. They said the stats are corrrect, but the replay is generated after the attack and doesn't show what really happened. They assured me the stats are correct and the other pirate really stole all the resourses despite the replay showing a different story. That email was 2 weeks before the last update, great job guys! Not sure I believe it.
Recovery mode
I cannot find the recovery button , where is suppoused to be located ? Thanks a lot 2:35 am, March 2, 2025
how long for the game to renew the Add reward?
I want to know after login how many add rewards will pop up and after this how long will the new adds pop up. 2:36 am, March 2, 2025
Came centre problem
I have created a new game center ID so I can play Plunder Pirates on a different account. The problem is the old account keeps showing up. I have deleted the app, signed out of game center, reinstall.. 11:31 am, July 7, 2016
There is always the rumble points in the battle.
I have finished a rumble, but there is still rumble points in every battle begin. It is quite confused. 2:36 am, March 2, 2025
How do you submit a formal complaint against a player suspected of cheating/hacking during rumbles?
Me and some of my guild mates noticed some unusual activity by a rival player during a rumble, that very well could be attributed to them hacking the system. I began watching his numbers very closely... 7:58 am, August 12, 2015
I have a 7 day shield if I battle will i loose it for good or just while I'm in battle??? 2:47 am, May 28, 2016
I have been attacked, and I successfully defended but I lost??!!
So today I was attacked as usual. The attacker was mschu1. My pirate id is Golden Bosom. It stated there in my menu that I lost. Somehow, when I replay the attack, I actually managed to defend my city.. 5:14 am, December 28, 2014
Funding pirate catcher
My family has a guild (4 of us) and my youngest stopped playing. The 3 of us have a pirate catcher and it isn't letting us contribute more than 25% each, making it impossible to fund unless we add som.. 1:04 am, January 3, 2016