7:22 am, March 21, 2016
Dear Midoki, please can you help my Plundering on my iPad 2?
I dearly love Plunder Pirates and have been plundering since almost day one, but my current experience is ruining my ability to play the ga [..]
8:22 pm, October 16, 2015
it is true. Almost every time I select plunder pirates on my iPad, it either (rarely) goes as normal and goes on the sponsors, or it freezes on a white screen for 5+ seconds. Please fix this bug! It i [..]
8:22 pm, October 15, 2015
I don't know if this is an apple-specific bug or not, just know it happens on my iPad all the time. When these little videos first came out there was the occasional problem, but this is different. In [..]
8:22 am, September 10, 2015
Hi @Lynsey [Midoki] @Kelani told me to post about this bug
For almost two weeks, when I watch a video ad, I am getting the exact same reward -- 18BP. I know in the past I've gotten like 20 BP someti [..]
8:22 pm, August 31, 2015
So yesterday i was in a rumble and spent around 200 gems attacking, gaining 586BP and as we won we got 450BP and done all the errands and was online almost all the time and managed to get 100bp from e [..]
8:22 am, August 20, 2015
In pretty much all areas where text appears, some particular characters are cropped a couple of pixels if they appear as the last character.
It's of particular concern with the lower case letter f:
Me [..]
8:22 am, August 19, 2015
Priestess' Nighty Night does work on a PH9's cannons, disabling them, however the expected black and teal swirling cloud graphic is not visible on it whilst disabled.
I guess it's possible that it's r [..]
8:22 am, August 7, 2015
So I am a almost max PH5 and I had a question. Is it best to completely max out your base before upgrading PH?
I've played CoC for a long time and it's crucial to upgrade everything before upgrading T [..]
8:22 pm, July 31, 2015
Some of my guild ( myself included )are having issues with the automatic recruitment. For some reason if you do it via the auto recruitment, it seem to by pass our ( active) Pirate Catcher and almost [..]
8:22 pm, July 12, 2015
In pretty much all areas where text appears, some particular characters are cropped a couple of pixels if they appear as the last character.
It's of particular concern with the lower case letter f:
Me [..]
8:22 am, July 11, 2015
Here's one I've suspected since the Guild Ship was introduced but never confirmed until now.
I'm currently playing two islands and I'm feeding max'ed out Thieves to my second island. I posted a Guild [..]
8:22 am, June 26, 2015
Hey all! So I just started playing 2 weeks ago and I was wondering what troops and what strategy would be best if I'm looking for loot. I'm almost maxed out ph4 I have 35 troops and they're all,lost a [..]
8:22 am, June 4, 2015
I have been a part of Plunder Pirates for a really long time almost a year now and I still have trouble with the biggest part of being a pirate, PLUNDERING! I can't even get a single star on the peopl [..]
8:22 pm, June 2, 2015
I thought I read somewhere on the forum where the matchmaking had been fixed and that when searching for an opponent a match would be found plus or minus one Pirate Hall level and then based on Pirate [..]
8:22 pm, May 15, 2015
hi, I have been playing avidly for a while now. I have found base layout to be complex and honestly a bit overwhelming.
I've noticed the same builds over and over again once in the top 100.. Although [..]
8:22 pm, April 10, 2015
The one question we get more than any other is, "When's Plunder Pirates coming to Android?". Today, we can finally give you the answer!
We're incredibly excited to announce that the date is [..]
7:22 am, February 4, 2015
Hello. After New Year's update I installed the regular version of the app.
After I installed the standard version are constant crash and mines of Santa Claus is not cleaned.
Yesterday, the game stoppe [..]
7:22 am, January 2, 2015
Not sure if this is a bug, but every so often, when I hit the chat window, and bring up the keyboard, I'll get a white streak across the top of my screen. It's really fast, and almost looks like a met [..]
7:22 pm, November 11, 2014
1. Juggs quit frequently. They just stop doing anything. Same for others in the Guild. Really frustrating. I've almost quit using them.
2. Oh, the dropped chats! You type and nothing shows up. [..]
8:22 am, October 19, 2014
I was on the brink of having over 400 gems from uncovering 50% of my map when I accidentally hit reload the island. It kicked me back to the beginning and now I have to start over. I was almost to a p [..]
1:38 am, September 22, 2014
With the weekend almost upon us, what better time is there to set sail and plunder.
Perhaps you'll complete a quest, or maybe your Guild will make it to the top of the leaderboards. You might even be [..]