Plunder Pirates

Plunder Pirates - Fan Discussions




Battle Ideas

8:22 am, June 4, 2015 I have been a part of Plunder Pirates for a really long time almost a year now and I still have trouble with the biggest part of being a pirate, PLUNDERING! I can't even get a single star on the peopl [..] View

Poverty is the best defense!

8:22 pm, May 14, 2015 On defense..... It's not about engineering or military strategy. It's all about economics. Nobody in his right mind would spend loads of grog on expensive troops (and time to recruit) just to invade a [..] View

Upgrade to PH7

7:22 pm, December 4, 2014 Hi guys, Currently I'm trying to collect enough gold to upgrade my Pirate hall to level 8 (7, not 8). I have every defense upgraded to the highest level I can with my current PH level. However, as soo [..] View

[Heavy Gunner] Needs improvement

7:22 am, October 29, 2014 So here is another late game crew that sounds awesome till you actually go out and use one. Currently mine cost 15k grog take up 5 slots and have the rapid fire ability unlocked. The rapid fire is awe [..] View

Really big bunker available on upgrade (GFX glitch)

7:22 am, October 27, 2014 Unfortunately I can't reproduce it after relaunching the app but this came up when checking what PH7 will unlock for me: I know it is probably difficult to track the cause but might be worth having a [..] View

Pirate Hall 7 requirements...?

8:22 am, October 6, 2014 Today is my lucky day! Just plundered and completed the golds required for PH6. 2Million! What I did is just plunder and plunder and plunder...and pray that nobody attacks you while sleeping. I did th [..] View


Upgrade to PH7

Dec 4, 2014, 7:53 pm Hi guys, Currently I'm trying to collect enough gold to upgrade my Pirate hall to level 8 (7, not 8). I have every defense upgraded to the highest level I can with my current PH level. However, as soo[..] View

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