Plunder Pirates

Plunder Pirates - Fan Discussions




Question about troups!

7:22 am, March 16, 2016 Hope Skye has an answare. So, I have few noob question about troups, I'm PH9 and ACAD 7 going to 8 soon. 1. Are Buccaners useful for high PH level? Never seen an attacker use them and it's sad. 2.Is M [..] View

IPAD 2 problems again.

7:22 am, December 30, 2015 Hi @Lynsey [Midoki] , Thanks for fixing the problem of not being able to use IPAD 2's at all on the last update. I have a new one. LOL So over Christmas i was playing a lot and streaking. Didn't matte [..] View

[2.3.0] Unable To View Nerf/Buff Tooltip For Seasonal Outfits From Collections View

7:22 pm, December 23, 2015 With both Christmas and Halloween outfits, from the collections view, you can't tap on the nerf/buff to bring up the tooltip of what it does if there is another owned outfit to the right of it. You al [..] View

[2.0.1 - 2.3.0] (Minor UI Inconsistency) Battered Chests Show Wrong Background Colour When Opening

7:22 am, December 16, 2015 It appears the game has colour coded backgrounds for everything Legendary related (chests, materials, outfits) according to rarity, which is consistent across the whole game: Common - brown Uncommon - [..] View

[2.3.0] Unable To "Re-Arm All" Nor Change Range From Pirate Hall During Upgrade

7:22 pm, December 15, 2015 As title. Fair enough, the Pirate Hall's cannons can't be re-armed during the upgrade (like other re-armable defences) but the "Re-arm all" option should still be present - especially consid [..] View

Ship lv. 6/7 changes

7:22 am, November 8, 2015 Ship lv 5 the min range of the blast zone of the outermost cannons are .5 tiles closer than the innermost cannon At ship lv 6/7, the outermost cannons have their min and max range both pushed out .5 t [..] View

Extended range of new ship levels is unusable

7:22 pm, November 4, 2015 If you send a lv6 ship around on a bunch of lighter-colored tiles, when it reaches a certain point, the UI no longer allows the ship to be moved AT ALL, neither forward nor just locks up. I [..] View

[2.2.1] Streak Chest Rewards Incorrectly Colour Coded

7:22 am, November 2, 2015 I'm not entirely sure at what stage this started happening but it seems all my chests are now colour coded orange, the colour that only Admiral's chests are meant to be. I first noticed it for the Cap [..] View

[2.2.0] Streak Chest Rewards Incorrectly Colour Coded

7:22 pm, November 1, 2015 I'm not entirely sure at what stage this started happening but it seems all my chests are now colour coded orange, the colour that only Admiral's chests are meant to be. I first noticed it for the Cap [..] View

[2.0.1] (Minor UI Inconsistency) Battered Chests Show Wrong Background Colour When Opening Them

8:22 am, September 29, 2015 It appears the game has colour coded backgrounds for everything Legendary related (chests, materials, outfits) according to rarity, which is consistent across the whole game: Common - brown Uncommon - [..] View

[2.0.0 - 2.0.1] Ground Pounder 3 And Pirate Hall 9 Retain Range Change From Cancelled Island Editor

8:22 am, September 3, 2015 Well that was a long title. 3 part bug.Part 1 Enter Island Editor Select PH9 or GP3 Tap Details Change range Cancel changes from Island Editor The range change will be retained, both graphically and a [..] View

Legendary pirates range issues

8:22 am, August 31, 2015 I have 2 legendary pirates with range issues. Boomer training shows 2 levels of +20 range but his ability range is maxed from the start at 24. After the first +20 upgrade the range has not increased. [..] View

[2.0.0] Ground Pounder 3 And Pirate Hall 9 Retain Range Change From Cancelled Island Editor

8:22 pm, August 26, 2015 Well that was a long title. 3 part bug.Part 1 Enter Island Editor Select PH9 or GP3 Tap Details Change range Cancel changes from Island Editor The range change will be retained, both graphically and a [..] View


8:22 pm, July 29, 2015 Hey guys: I might be able to get to PH6 by the end of August, and, as a person who does advanced planning on everything, I decided to ask you for advice on VH3/AC5. After training Rain of Fire, should [..] View

Skye's Pirate Island Editor (PIE)

8:22 pm, July 15, 2015 Short Description: Play with my super cool island editor here: controls/notes: -click building's image to add it to the map -doubleclick to rotate -alt/ctrl/shift [..] View

PH9 Cannons, initial thoughts

8:22 am, July 8, 2015 These are my thoughts with absolutely 0 time actually playing with them (also if anyone knows the fire-rate, that would be great): Long Range: 8 damage will be completely nullified by WD given current [..] View

A few Qs on the WD...

8:22 am, June 9, 2015 1) The caption for WD says that he has a damage level of 8. But he dosen't attack AT ALL. Why? 2) The Brute, when dead, has larger bones than others. If he is revived by the WD, is there any differenc [..] View

Loot Study Too (the grog and rumble edition).

8:22 am, May 28, 2015 Well, sitting at a perfect round PR 700 and thought it would be nice to collect some data again. Then someone pushes me up over dinner. At PR 712, with 75 opponents recorded, of a PR range of 631-860 [..] View

My new PH4 layout

8:22 pm, May 5, 2015 Hi guys, just maxed my PH3 yesterday and so, PH4 for now, i tried to make something efficient, even if efficient means quite nothing at this lvl. Some buildings are missing, since i reached PH4 few ho [..] View

VH4 Max Level Priestess, an analysis

7:22 pm, March 25, 2015 First, lets take a look at the final cost and stats on this underutilized troop. Pre VH4, with her miserable range, she was probably not really usable. Using the priestess, she casts a WD-like black s [..] View

Random Crashes [iPad Air 1st Generation] iOS 8.1.3

7:22 am, March 4, 2015 Okay, so I noticed the game crashes quite often, and There may be extra threads on this, but I'm confirming this issue on my specific device. Crashing occurs when: 1: Opening the game. 2: Selecting Me [..] View

Ching Shih - what is Get over here

7:22 pm, February 17, 2015 Ching Shih Legendary Pirate - Special Ability: 'Get Over Here' Couldn't figure out during battle and with replay, what "Get Over Here" exactly do. Looks like all pirates stand still for a s [..] View

Why do I lose so many times but in replay mostly wins?

7:22 am, February 2, 2015 Since the beginning of this game, there were a lot of complaint about the replay's discrepancies with actual play. but I still guess that the unit's deployment points (coordinates, timing) are same.. [..] View

Thread for issues in latest version (1.4.0)

7:22 am, January 27, 2015 Possible bugs: Leaderboard When you are not in the top 200 and you open the leaderboard it opens at the 195-199 range of players. Local Leaderboard:It probably just needs time to load, but I have no r [..] View

No Christmas ships or fish on explore map

7:22 pm, December 17, 2014 Like the title says. When I logged on after the update a journey had finished. I finished it and collected my pirates. Went back to my island to train replacement pirates. Go back to the map and there [..] View

[Priestess]-30 Priestess deployed in the battle field

7:22 pm, December 6, 2014 [Plunder Pirates]-30 Priestess deployed in the battle Priestess's damage is 150 while the gunners are 50, 3 times more stronger than the gunners, If we deploy 30 priestesses how strong will she be? Ch [..] View


2:17 am, December 1, 2014 A rotating weapon. Just point and fire. Upgrade to increase damage. A pirate's favorite weapon, your island is going to need a few of these to keep the attacking hordes at bay. Positioned strategicall [..] View

[Bomber]-"Kabooooom!!!" skill by 50 bombers!

7:22 am, November 9, 2014 plunder pirates special skill called kabooooom!!!, the ultimate skill of the bomber, try to enjoy the 50bombers activating this skill at once. How will be the consequence of this skill? anyway but it [..] View

[Priestess] Needs improvement to make viable

7:22 am, October 29, 2014 So i recently got my Priestess trained to the special ability and decided to give her a try. At 15k grog currently she is one expensive gunner with less range. The interrupt ability would be great but [..] View

Check my new ph5 build

8:22 pm, October 24, 2014 I'm near upgrading to ph6. I moved my ph hall in the middle so units will target it while my defenses destroy them. With the golds and grogs acting as shield and thr ship on top since no one lands nea [..] View

PH5 Build

8:22 pm, October 10, 2014 I noticed that there aren't many builds floating around, so I thought I'd share mine. This has been very successful in the 250 range. (I usually have Mystic Mines next to the center cannons, and regu [..] View

How is my build? PH4

8:22 pm, October 3, 2014 I got completely mowed over by someone last night, so decided to rearrange it. I was hoping to take advantage of the AI, by having them run around to the opening in the wall, but I'm not sure if I di [..] View

Any suggestions on what army composition at what trophy range?

8:22 pm, September 26, 2014 Having trouble finding anymore loot than 10-20 k ...I dunno if that's the norm or if I'm not searching enough, not at the right trophy range...etc etc any advice would be appreciated! Currently at 15 [..] View


Any suggestions on what army composition at what trophy range?

Nov 28, 2014, 11:43 am Having trouble finding anymore loot than 10-20 k ...I dunno if that's the norm or if I'm not searching enough, not at the right trophy range...etc etc any advice would be appreciated! Currently at 15[..] View

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