8:22 pm, April 11, 2018
Simply look at the replay details and get an idea of troops they used. Also look in to any players tavern and see which troops they are using and practice deploying troops until you feel comfortable i [..]
7:22 pm, October 29, 2015
Everytime i enter the new map and do an action, soon the "Connection Lost" error appears. Its regukary and so far it seems to be just connected to the new map. My WiFi connection works fine. [..]
8:22 pm, September 30, 2015
I am experiencing a whole new kind of fun. Connectivity bugs.
So I always play PP from the office where I spend most of my time. The pattern is the same – receive notification about full tav [..]
8:22 am, May 28, 2015
Well, sitting at a perfect round PR 700 and thought it would be nice to collect some data again. Then someone pushes me up over dinner.
At PR 712, with 75 opponents recorded, of a PR range of 631-860 [..]
1:38 am, September 22, 2014
for a few times in a row now, the fight a rival captain doesn't go to a search screen but takes my gold payment and drops me back into my home map, what the? Buggy man and stop stealing my coins hahah [..]