8:22 am, October 23, 2016
Is there anything being worked on so when two people start donating to a Guildship it doesn't steal extra pirates? Someone just had 8 spots for troops, I got in 7, a guild mate got in 6...so 5 pirates [..]
7:22 am, January 19, 2016
Everytime i start the game a white box with the text :"Download Error There has been a problem downloading required gaming assets. Please try again."
Can someone tell me if theyre experienc [..]
7:22 pm, December 16, 2015
Hi guys!
I'm writing to you cause since the last update 3 days ago I don't manage to log in the game, it remain fixed on the main screen with the status "Connecting on server".. and I can wa [..]
7:22 pm, December 6, 2015
I know that before the last major update, should you attempt to revenge someone while on shield you would have had to forfeit your shield to do so.
This was "fixed" and I remember I could tr [..]
8:22 am, September 15, 2015
Received this from a guild member. Also saw someone else post something similar on the public slack group earlier.@SitFlyer_ did you actually train the +3 that appears skipped or do you not remember.. [..]
8:22 am, September 8, 2015
I'm a PH6 player that started playing in April. Most should know who I am (provided that I'm generally the thread resurrector)
I've read tons of threads on Fishing?? But can someone please explain wha [..]
8:22 am, August 20, 2015
So there is no way that I can find to get to the interface to upgrade your pirates or change their outfits while the fort is upgrading, which is probably intended - you can't train any other troops wh [..]
8:22 am, July 11, 2015
Here's one I've suspected since the Guild Ship was introduced but never confirmed until now.
I'm currently playing two islands and I'm feeding max'ed out Thieves to my second island. I posted a Guild [..]
8:22 pm, July 1, 2015
Hi, I'm new here so probably someone has posted this somewhere before, but I think user profiles are not correctly showing details correctly.
For example my last rumble I scored around 110 points, but [..]
8:22 pm, June 24, 2015
Er... hope this hasn't been posted previously. Can someone please explain "Kaboom", the Special Ability of Bombers. They don't seem to do anything when I use it on them. (note: this is on d [..]
8:22 am, June 5, 2015
I know that when you're attacking/defending someone significantly higher or lower in PR the win/loss PR is 0/24 but there is still a green arrow pointing up and a + sign in front of the zero for *losi [..]
8:22 am, May 28, 2015
Well, sitting at a perfect round PR 700 and thought it would be nice to collect some data again. Then someone pushes me up over dinner.
At PR 712, with 75 opponents recorded, of a PR range of 631-860 [..]
7:22 pm, March 22, 2015
As most of you know when u click a characters image in makes a sound effect, Ching Shih's sound effect are blades scraping, like sky raiders. But after it got talen away ching shihs sound effect... We [..]
7:22 pm, March 3, 2015
I'm not sure if this is a bug or intended, but what happened to the plunder pirate logo on the flagpole? Someone please check if they have this flag! I really hope this was not intended, some people m [..]
7:22 pm, March 1, 2015
Have someone understood / figured out how BP are calculated for an attack?
5 BP for one star attack
8 - 12 BP for two star attack
18 - 21 BP for three star attack
I can't see a correlation betwe [..]
7:22 am, February 23, 2015
When you go offline and leave for the night, is the view of your base that you last had the one that an attacker sees? I'm thinking that, if so, you could make it less likely for someone to choose you [..]
7:22 am, February 15, 2015
Hello i have a problem,
iused my game on ipad, after a few weeks i would also play on my iphone,
now i have the "new" savedate on my ipad and my "old" island is gone.
Can someone [..]
7:22 am, December 23, 2014
This has happened to me a couple times now. Someone attacks my island and in the defense page it says 63% destruction, ok fine. I watch the replay and they only do like 23% destruction. Affects my rat [..]
7:22 pm, November 20, 2014
Can anyone help, someone in our guild has kicked the majority of the players.
Is there a way to find out who and if possible re-instate those that were kicked maliciously?
Would appreciate help.
G [..]
7:22 am, October 31, 2014
just like the title states. Resources spent and about 500 jewels used. Buildings moved around and crew built after the system telling me someone else was logged in. No else has access to my products t [..]
8:22 am, October 24, 2014
The new units and also the possible upgrades aren't worth it if you put the effectivity of those relation to costs and rising hiring-time (time is the most scaring point).
Someone who can prove me wro [..]
8:22 pm, October 16, 2014
This forum is a great place to communicate with fellow plunderers. But there is an issue I am facing. It logs out after a few minutes and I have to keep on logging in every few minutes. Also, if I pre [..]
8:22 am, October 13, 2014
Wondering whether someone of you shares my mind.
Here it is:
Symmetrical bases may look good and effective if you place your defense right, but it's easier to plan attacks on them. You are able to ge [..]
8:22 pm, October 9, 2014
Has anyone tried to build to a corner (especially the skull corner)? It looks like no matter how far you build to the corner it looks like someone could deploy troops in between. Curious to know wha [..]
8:22 pm, October 3, 2014
I got completely mowed over by someone last night, so decided to rearrange it. I was hoping to take advantage of the AI, by having them run around to the opening in the wall, but I'm not sure if I di [..]
8:22 pm, September 30, 2014
i haven't noticed this recently so it may have already been fixed, but when someone with a name that contains non-western characters (i.e. chinese, japanese, etc) requests to join the join request in [..]
8:22 am, September 28, 2014
Is it true that if your rank is low, the chance of being raided by other players goes down too? Currently I'm at PR 193 and I always get raided everytime my shield goes down. Someone told me about thi [..]
8:22 am, September 25, 2014
I personally don't think it's fair that someone can attack you and buy a shield so that you can't revenge them back. I have came across this a few times now where I wait for the attack on my base to f [..]
1:38 am, September 22, 2014
Hello there my name is Kevin Ketron Apple ID is kketron242@gmail.com and I just purchased gems a few minutes ago. I never received the 500 gems and now under treasure all gem purchase options say &qu [..]
1:38 am, September 22, 2014
hi i hipe im in a right place. can someone help me. my name is richman ngo and i love playing pirates since then even when its still in beta. my in game name is Captain Richman (tm) tm trademark sign. [..]