Plunder Pirates

Plunder Pirates - Fan Discussions

2:09 am, February 7, 2015

Top Pirate Hall Level 5 Base Designs


Chaos Doors - Hybrid / Trophy Hunting PH5 Base

This is quite a spread out base which tries to use the small amount of walls given at PH5 to protect your Pirate Hall and your loot storages. I would probably call this base a Hybrid or Trophy pushing base (if you are into trophy pushing at TH5). Usually i stick with a farming layout, but this is a good hybrid if you want to try and protect your loot.

Base Design Credit

Gangrene Farming Base PH5

This is a great PH5 Farming Base with all the bunkers pointed in. Mortars are places towards the center to overlap. The cannons are quite close together to protect the mortars as well, so while the troops are hitting the cannons they are getting blasted by the morters.

I'm always quite partial to farming styles. Bunkers are pointed in to protect each other and storage. Mortars overlap a bit and cannons are in place to protect the mortars. The ship just covers the land surrounding the Pirate Hall so as to discourage lower levels from attacking.

Base Design Credit

Bear Hybrid / Trophy Hunting PH5 Base

Keeping the base spread out is the aim here, using the collectors and other non combat buildings to slow the enemy troops, while allowing your mortars and cannons to do the maximum damage while they aim at destroying those buildings. The low amount of walls that are provided at PH5 mean that to keep it all sealed in everything has to be pretty close together.

Base Design Credit

ATKone - Farming PH5 Base

This base aims to protect your storages by having the Pirate hall on the edge of the base, so usually troops will start attacking the Pirate Hall while the cannons and mortar do maximum dammage, unless they drop there troops on the right hand side of the base.

Base Design Credit



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Others in Pirate Hall 5

Top Pirate Hall Level 5 Base Designs

2:09 am, February 7, 2015 Chaos Doors - Hybrid / Trophy Hunting PH5 Base This is quite a spread out base which tries to use the small amount of walls given at PH5 to protect your Pirate Hall and your loot storages. I would p [..] View

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