Plunder Pirates

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Guest 7:47 pm, March 3, 2017
Come join my guild Bandit's Harbor
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Guest 4:04 am, August 20, 2016
I have the same really spoils a streak! IPad is fully upgraded.....
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Guest 12:06 am, July 13, 2016
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Guest 3:08 am, May 23, 2016
My capacity for gold is 1,651,500 gold and 1,096,500 for grog
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Guest 3:07 pm, April 1, 2016
I found the Ghost Ship!! But it says the mission is suicidal... ;( I'm currently PH5.
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Guest 6:39 am, January 22, 2016
I have had this issue for 2 days now and can do nothing. It s VERY frustrating! Every other game or internet app works. Cannot download so called assets on cellular data or wifi. FIX THIS, PLEASE!
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Guest 12:41 pm, October 26, 2015
I know this post is a year old, but I am having Game Center issues. Had two GC accts, and never had a problem switching between my two Plunder Pirates accts, until about two weeks ago. Now when I switch GC accts I only get the one PP acct, it never asks if I want to load the other, and it used to do so. I feel this is a PP issue as I am still able to switch accts in CoC and some other games. Please help!!!! The acct I cannot access is a captain!!!
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Guest 2:19 pm, October 24, 2015
They are brilliant. They will fly straight and true in the direction of the wind but drop to the ground at the first high obstacle. If you clear the right high buildings from their path (gun towers or gold mine or whatever) you can then drop them behind the defences to take out a mortar and save a lot of pain from your ground troops. Not always useable but when they are they are game changers.
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Guest 11:24 pm, August 13, 2015
I have the same issue, I contribute then all of a sudden, it shows zero
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Guest 7:16 am, July 15, 2015
I would easily destroy it
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Guest 10:56 am, July 11, 2015
Need to clear a path for them. Use small amount of gunners or brutes first. Bombers need a clear path to a wall otherwise they will run around u focused.
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Guest 4:24 am, July 8, 2015
This is happening to me as well. Stuck on the 's'. Any info available?
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Guest 7:17 pm, June 18, 2015
Is the problem fix now beause it keeps on crashing on boot this is really ignoring 6/18/2015 it still acting up Samsung galaxy 3 I have and it a good phone cpu gpu is great so it not that
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Guest 8:06 am, June 8, 2015
Same here. Pls do something about it. Has been down for more then 5 hrs.
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Guest 7:36 am, June 8, 2015
I'm facing the same problem and I just hope they fix this asap :/
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Guest 5:27 pm, June 4, 2015
Why do you care? If theyre maxed ph they might give away loot, found a couple of those.
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Guest 12:35 pm, April 16, 2015
i hope its not an April Fools! I want it so badly! Make sure it has beautiful graphics like the first one!
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Guest 1:34 pm, April 12, 2015
good game! beautiful graphics BUT one problem battle points....... Yes, you heard right! battle points are the worst
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Guest 7:32 pm, January 2, 2015
its a snow flake lol
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Guest 8:11 am, November 30, 2014
I find the little pirate weak and usless. Don't worry about it, it's not going to hurt you unless the developers upgrade it.
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Guest 8:05 am, November 30, 2014
Ug my problem too! Only fish 3+ gain bp's, and they can give a lot. Last 4 rank gave 500 bp. Otherwise farm the poor baby pirates. Not nice but you can gain 100+ pts an hour. Otherwise attacking same levels gains up to 20 bps an hr... The new pirate catcher asks for WAY TOO MUCH! Total bummer.
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Guest 7:59 am, November 30, 2014
Not had either problem, support ha always helped me. Copy the addy directly Had other issues though!
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Guest 5:45 am, November 29, 2014
Where's all your walls?
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Guest 10:09 pm, November 25, 2014
Put ur pirate hall in the Center and surround ur defenses around ur pirate hall cuz they autimaicly win when they destroy ur hall. Putting ur hall un defended is called being a farmer, stay away from that.
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Guest 10:07 pm, November 25, 2014
Put ur pirate hall in the Center
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Guest 1:20 pm, November 3, 2014
Turn of notifications. That solved the crasches for me
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Guest 7:18 am, November 2, 2014
Build a second grog storage :)
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Guest 6:16 am, November 2, 2014
Let's see how far I get without buying any more Jems the game is bult on,y to take your money
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Guest 1:02 am, October 23, 2014
4 KK
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KruXoR 11:11 pm, October 13, 2014
Its linked in game center so if you are logged in to the same game center on both it should work
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Guest 9:34 pm, October 9, 2014
Yes, this happens to me too, u cant train, recruit, or open any menu, just move the buildings. I also restart to solve it. I use an ipad2 with ios 7. I play with a bad 3g connection, i guess they are problems connecting to the game server.
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Guest 5:27 am, October 2, 2014
No, they can spawn in moats. And even for the use of slowing them down when the hop in doesn't work, as they go the same speed the entire way.
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Guest 12:41 pm, October 26, 2015
I know this post is a year old, but I am having Game Center issues. Had two GC accts, and never had a problem switching between my two Plunder Pirates accts, until about two weeks ago. Now when I switch GC accts I only get the one PP acct, it never asks if I want to load the other, and it used to do so. I feel this is a PP issue as I am still able to switch accts in CoC and some other games. Please help!!!! The acct I cannot access is a captain!!!
Guest 7:17 pm, June 18, 2015
Is the problem fix now beause it keeps on crashing on boot this is really ignoring 6/18/2015 it still acting up Samsung galaxy 3 I have and it a good phone cpu gpu is great so it not that
Guest 8:05 am, November 30, 2014
Ug my problem too! Only fish 3+ gain bp's, and they can give a lot. Last 4 rank gave 500 bp. Otherwise farm the poor baby pirates. Not nice but you can gain 100+ pts an hour. Otherwise attacking same levels gains up to 20 bps an hr... The new pirate catcher asks for WAY TOO MUCH! Total bummer.
Guest 1:20 pm, November 3, 2014
Turn of notifications. That solved the crasches for me
Guest 6:16 am, November 2, 2014
Let's see how far I get without buying any more Jems the game is bult on,y to take your money
Guest 9:34 pm, October 9, 2014
Yes, this happens to me too, u cant train, recruit, or open any menu, just move the buildings. I also restart to solve it. I use an ipad2 with ios 7. I play with a bad 3g connection, i guess they are problems connecting to the game server.
Guest 5:27 am, October 2, 2014
No, they can spawn in moats. And even for the use of slowing them down when the hop in doesn't work, as they go the same speed the entire way.

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