Plunder Pirates

Plunder Pirates - Fan Discussions




Tinto lv9 is better than lv10-18

7:22 am, February 9, 2016 Tinto is one of my favorite offensive LPs, and I doubt many will bother to read this, many might not even agree, but hear me out. At Lv10, Tinto gets a speed increase, from 11 to 13. At 14 it gets eve [..] View

My Storage Silo Upgrade has Disappeared

7:22 pm, December 3, 2015 After a Midoki game update my Silo space actually diminished by half. The worst part is I can't re upgrade the Silo because the game knows I already have done it. I repeatedly get "Silo Full&qu [..] View

Can Buff's stack?

7:22 am, December 1, 2015 I'm just curious if buff's can effectively stack? I'm asking because I've noticed that when skellies are commanded by ching, and then activate marrow shield, it seems like they get ****** faster than [..] View

[2.2.1] (GFX Glitch) Legendary Fort Flag's Shadow Is Rendered Improperly (Warning, Cannot Un-see)

7:22 am, November 5, 2015 This has actually bugged me since the LF was introduced. Besides having the wrong flag hoisted up, the shadow appears it is on fire or something. A wispy trail to it appears and suddenly disappears. S [..] View

False start

8:22 am, September 29, 2015 I receive notifacations of full tavern a couple of minutes before it actually full. I start the game and realize that its 3 minutes (for example) to go. Pretty funny but a bug. Happens on regular basi [..] View

[2.0.1] Skipped Academy Skills

8:22 am, September 15, 2015 Received this from a guild member. Also saw someone else post something similar on the public slack group earlier.@SitFlyer_ did you actually train the +3 that appears skipped or do you not remember.. [..] View

[2.0.0 - 2.0.1] Ground Pounder 3 And Pirate Hall 9 Retain Range Change From Cancelled Island Editor

8:22 am, September 3, 2015 Well that was a long title. 3 part bug.Part 1 Enter Island Editor Select PH9 or GP3 Tap Details Change range Cancel changes from Island Editor The range change will be retained, both graphically and a [..] View

[2.0.0] Ground Pounder 3 And Pirate Hall 9 Retain Range Change From Cancelled Island Editor

8:22 pm, August 26, 2015 Well that was a long title. 3 part bug.Part 1 Enter Island Editor Select PH9 or GP3 Tap Details Change range Cancel changes from Island Editor The range change will be retained, both graphically and a [..] View

[2.0.0] End Game Pirates Deployed List Shows Incorrect Level Donated Troops

8:22 am, August 23, 2015 Seems to only happen sometimes, made me double take but this time I'm 100% certain. I fill my own Guild Ship with Level 15 Witch Doctors from my second island. Other than that I had Level 30 Gunners i [..] View

[1.9.3 Minor GFX Nuissance] Errand start button hidden by previous gem cost

8:22 am, August 19, 2015 If you're queuing up errands, and switch between them too quick right after starting one, the next errand's start button is hidden under the gem cost from the previous errand. Clicking it doesn't do a [..] View

What is the best upgrading method?

8:22 am, August 7, 2015 So I am a almost max PH5 and I had a question. Is it best to completely max out your base before upgrading PH? I've played CoC for a long time and it's crucial to upgrade everything before upgrading T [..] View

Wall Path Calculator

8:22 pm, August 4, 2015 Another little project I made. As usual expect bugs and slight deviations from what actually happens in game. The path units take is usually very complicated. The [..] View

False attack

8:22 pm, July 29, 2015 I have gotten a message at least three times, likely a fourth time, that said I was attacked but in actuality I was not. The only common denominator that I could see was that the last visible defense [..] View

PH9 Cannons, initial thoughts

8:22 am, July 8, 2015 These are my thoughts with absolutely 0 time actually playing with them (also if anyone knows the fire-rate, that would be great): Long Range: 8 damage will be completely nullified by WD given current [..] View

Rumble Countdown

8:22 pm, June 2, 2015 I have noticed that the rumble countdown on the top is usually run faster than normal. Of cause the countdown would back to actual time remaining by re-entering into the game, but it still would give [..] View

Poverty is the best defense!

8:22 pm, May 14, 2015 On defense..... It's not about engineering or military strategy. It's all about economics. Nobody in his right mind would spend loads of grog on expensive troops (and time to recruit) just to invade a [..] View

Shield Bug

8:22 am, April 14, 2015 Over the weekend, I launched Pirates when I woke up and noticed that I had been raided... I thought this was curious because I was sure I had at least 12 hours of shield left when I went to bed. When [..] View

Damage and plunder in log and replay don't jive

7:22 pm, March 10, 2015 This has happened several times, when I go to the defense log and play the replay of the battle, the info from the log and what I see in the replay are different. I just opened the game and had been a [..] View

Problem with Forum actually.

7:22 pm, February 13, 2015 When I bring up the Forum, I click HOME and then Recent Posts. Find a post I want to comment on, which requires me to login, so I do, but it takes me back to FORUMS. I click HOME again to get back t [..] View

Why do I lose so many times but in replay mostly wins?

7:22 am, February 2, 2015 Since the beginning of this game, there were a lot of complaint about the replay's discrepancies with actual play. but I still guess that the unit's deployment points (coordinates, timing) are same.. [..] View

Two accounts, one gamecenter

7:22 am, January 6, 2015 This is actually more of a problem than a bug, the thing is, my brother likes to play this game too but we are both on the same gamecenter account, so that he can download games that I can (That I've [..] View

Edit of reply mode doesn't allow removal of spurious endQuote tag

7:22 pm, December 23, 2014 I recently replied to a post, but my reply was inclosed inside an extra \Quote tag. I was unable to remove the extra endquote tag using the edit mode. So, there may be two bugs: 1. insertion of extr [..] View

Taverncapacity of a unit =/= needed tavernplace of a unity

7:22 am, November 29, 2014 What's actually the meaning of "taverncapacity"? That new flying unit for example takes only one tavernplace. But what does the "8 taverncapacity" of this unit mean? @headline: *ne [..] View

Bomber's Kabooooom!!! Skill Dissected

7:22 am, November 29, 2014 Okay, I figured it out. It does work. It's basically a similar explosion to Dead Man's Trigger but doesn't **** the Bomber. Actually it appears to do more damage. From pixel analysis of the health bar [..] View

Minor GUI Glitch - Current Gold Shown 1 Less Than Actual

7:22 am, November 20, 2014 This one should intrigue you, @Chris [Midoki] I've been noticing this a few times. At first I thought it was dumb luck, that I had really plundered ONE gold shy of my max storage (currently 4,451,500 [..] View

Minor GUI Glitch - Bomber Graphically Shows Maxed Damage Stat In Academy When Not Actually Maxed

7:22 am, November 19, 2014 I'm not sure when this started happening but the bar is meant to graphically show in green how much of a stat you have compared to its maximum value, and white portion is showing how much a certain up [..] View

Defense log incorrect

7:22 pm, November 11, 2014 in my defense log it says I defeated an attack by "Pirateers" and that Pirateers destroyed 38% of my base. When I watch the replay of the attack it shows that Pirateers actually destroyed my [..] View

[Heavy Gunner] Needs improvement

7:22 am, October 29, 2014 So here is another late game crew that sounds awesome till you actually go out and use one. Currently mine cost 15k grog take up 5 slots and have the rapid fire ability unlocked. The rapid fire is awe [..] View

Defence Layout

1:38 am, September 22, 2014 So I'm having trouble deciding what to do while I don't have enough walls. Ideally I would like to section each defence in it's own wall with my resources and main building in the middle. What I have [..] View


Problem with Forum actually.

Feb 13, 2015, 7:38 pm When I bring up the Forum, I click HOME and then Recent Posts. Find a post I want to comment on, which requires me to login, so I do, but it takes me back to FORUMS. I click HOME again to get back t[..] View

Minor GUI Glitch - Bomber Graphically Shows Maxed Damage Stat In Academy When Not Actually Maxed

Nov 29, 2014, 4:08 pm I'm not sure when this started happening but the bar is meant to graphically show in green how much of a stat you have compared to its maximum value, and white portion is showing how much a certain up[..] View

Minor GUI Glitch - Current Gold Shown 1 Less Than Actual

Nov 29, 2014, 2:01 pm This one should intrigue you, <a href="" data-user="1, @Chris [Midoki]">@Chris [Midoki]</a> I've been noticing this a few times. At first I thought[..] View

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