7:22 pm, November 22, 2016
I am unable to reload pirates to the tavern. I am still being attacked, but even reloading game still doesn't help. In reload screen selecting pirates is ok, but I am unable to add them to the empty t [..]
8:22 pm, May 18, 2015
Personally I guess everyone's troops are different, so I set up this to ask who are the most commonly-used. Please state the Tavern slots and pirates you can recruit before stating them.
Here's mine:
7:22 am, March 22, 2015
Here are a few bugs i've noticed.When bringing Juggs out to battle their icon sometimes turns grey even before they are defeated
Unable to use the special ability of troops that have been brought to b [..]
8:22 am, October 5, 2014
I've had a recurring problem the past several days where I go to upgrade a building or make troops in the tavern. When I come back later to use the troops or check the status of the upgrade its like I [..]