7:22 pm, November 22, 2016
I am unable to reload pirates to the tavern. I am still being attacked, but even reloading game still doesn't help. In reload screen selecting pirates is ok, but I am unable to add them to the empty t [..]
8:22 am, August 30, 2016
So a guild mate who is PH11 at PR80 just got attacked by a PH10 at PR546. We are not in a rumble. I'm sure this shouldn't be possible unless something has changed with the update? Have PR matching bar [..]
8:22 am, June 23, 2016
i got to ph8 a few months ago and I don't have good designs. I get attacked frequently and my base can't be shown (not because I don't know how To upload pictures on the forum, because I don't want to [..]
7:22 pm, December 6, 2015
I know that before the last major update, should you attempt to revenge someone while on shield you would have had to forfeit your shield to do so.
This was "fixed" and I remember I could tr [..]
8:22 pm, July 29, 2015
I have gotten a message at least three times, likely a fourth time, that said I was attacked but in actuality I was not. The only common denominator that I could see was that the last visible defense [..]
8:22 am, June 8, 2015
For Several hours,
I can't login at the title page.
with message saying
"being attacked!, Remaining 0 sec"
So, I've deleted my app, and reinstall,
but having same error.
as I've deleted the [..]
8:22 am, April 14, 2015
Over the weekend, I launched Pirates when I woke up and noticed that I had been raided... I thought this was curious because I was sure I had at least 12 hours of shield left when I went to bed. When [..]
7:22 am, March 18, 2015
I was just attacked by KOR_SdbForHer and lost nearly all my gold. The report shows I got ****** 90% but the battle I watched only showed him get me to 58%. Is this player a cheater or is there really [..]
7:22 pm, March 10, 2015
This has happened several times, when I go to the defense log and play the replay of the battle, the info from the log and what I see in the replay are different. I just opened the game and had been a [..]
7:22 pm, March 5, 2015
I ran across this issue twice yesterday. After an attack, I viewed the log and realized the wrong guild name had been attached to the player I attacked. I will see if I can screenshot the occurrences [..]
7:22 pm, February 22, 2015
I got attacked twice within a few minutes without re-entering Plunder Pirates to re-arm my Flame Gate. Both attacks activated the Flame Gate at the front of my base.
This appears to be a different iss [..]
7:22 pm, February 13, 2015
I have recently changed my island to this layout, leaving no free space for the attackers to deploy pirates on the water. Now, my question is if it works or not, because if it would've, why wouldn' [..]
7:22 am, January 6, 2015
2-for-1 Attack Strategy
This is a useful strategy when attacking at high level and during a Trophy Push.
If you find yourself getting attacked relentlessly at the highest levels, it can be hard to tre [..]
7:22 pm, December 31, 2014
Love to post the pic ill prolly do it later but my mate showed me this replay where he attacked some one and one of the attackee's grog and gold storage were in the exact same spot. now as easy as thi [..]
7:22 pm, December 18, 2014
Hey Roserio,
You've been posting great videos and conducting some pretty in-depth tactical analyses. Have you thought about calculating DPS for certain units that you have?
Since you have the timesta [..]
7:22 pm, December 4, 2014
Hi guys,
Currently I'm trying to collect enough gold to upgrade my Pirate hall to level 8 (7, not 8). I have every defense upgraded to the highest level I can with my current PH level. However, as soo [..]
7:22 am, November 25, 2014
We have a new unit and a new way to be attacked now. The Sky Raiders will be deployed in conjunction with direction of wind in order to have them land in the middle of the defenses, generally. This op [..]
7:22 pm, November 18, 2014
Just got attacked and lost 188k gold and 500kish grog. Must be an awesome attack, right? Nope. My replay shows the guy didn't even scratch my storages. The loot lost isn't that big a deal, nothing I c [..]
7:22 pm, November 17, 2014
Which way do you prefer your docks turned? The way mine are turned now, the attackers are drawn to the single wall near the docks. When I have attacked others with the docks flipped (walkway on oppo [..]
8:22 pm, October 18, 2014
I have a problem with the level ranking. It does not represent the true level of the player. Example, I get attacked 10 times overnight by players who launch no pirates and I go up 140. I even made th [..]
8:22 pm, October 17, 2014
Twice this week I've had a shield show up but I wasn't defeated in an attack. They've only had a couple of hours left on the shield by the time I've noticed, not the usual 12 after a defeat (and I've [..]
8:22 am, October 1, 2014
I have an issue with my defense mines... I have been buying them for 5 times now, but every time I get attacked they dissapear... Is this normal? I find it very odd.. It's really annoying that I have [..]
8:22 am, September 25, 2014
I personally don't think it's fair that someone can attack you and buy a shield so that you can't revenge them back. I have came across this a few times now where I wait for the attack on my base to f [..]
1:38 am, September 22, 2014
I am stuck at the loading screen because it says I am being attacked but the timer is at 0 seconds. In the images below as you can see the tips are different, that's because I closed the app from the [..]